Thursday, August 6, 2009

New Earth Center of Light ’s First Retreat Offering

Awaken Your Light Retreat

30 January – 6 February 2010



* Whole and complete, relate to others as such
* Joy & peace in your life, moment to moment
* Your own inner Healer/Guru
* Fully Present in any situation
* Self-Sourcing

* Blocks to manifestation,
* Limiting beliefs and attachments
* Illusions of separation, need and lack

* expanding your multidimensional chakra system
* your connection to your I Am Self
* being in integrity with your divine plan

* Oneness
* Life Force as your tool for Transmutation and Ascension
* Conscious co-creatorship
* New Earth frequencies

* Experiential meditations and journeys
* Small lectures
* Time for personal meditation and journaling
* Group discussions and exercises
* Soul movement
* Breath exercises
* Creative outlets such as bead work, drawing, collages, etc…
* Soulcializing
* Mindfulness
* Q&A

· Cultural Karaoke night
· Yoga
· Services through spa, like massage
· Wednesday is an open day:
o Personal quiet time for journaling and meditation
o Excursions through Spa – Canopy, White water rafting, beach time, wild life boat, horse back riding.

Course Prerequisite: To be willing to own Creatorship of your Reality

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jeremiah's Update

Hi, I though I would give my friends an update on what is going to be happening from 5/21 to 6/6 as I will not be reachable from 5/23 'til 6/6 and there won't be any online updates either.

I start my trip by traveling to Houston and visiting Cheryl & Al until my flight to Cancun on the 23rd.

I will be in a retreat \with Dr Deborah (Taj) Anapol in Tulum, Mexico, about an hour South of the Cancun airport. I will be joined there by a Sister in Soul as part of the Earth Healing we've been guided to do from 523 to 5/30 in Tulum and the nearby vortexes.

After this event we will strike out on our own to visit the Sacred Sites in Palenque for more Earth Healing, returning to the states on 6/4 with my flight to San Jose, CR on the 5th.

I'll address details of the Earth Healing in later posts.
Blessed IS,

Friday, May 8, 2009

Journaling of delivering my household goods.


The truck arrived at 10:30 and was empty by 13:30. Everything is here. I've got lots of unpacking and arranging of stuff. I'll need to find an electrician for the electric range and the dryer, but the refrigerator, washer and microwave are working. Wow, after throwing away or giving away lots of stuff, I am amazed at how much I still have. Of course, I've gone from a 3 BR house with garage to a small 2 BR apartment. It will come together over time. At this point I don't expect to be ready for guests until July.

La Pura Vida as I await the delivery of my household goods and looking forward to unpacking and making this empty apartment truly my own.


Okay, I've wired the last of the funds to the shipping firm and expect my delivery to start tomorrow AM, 8 MAY. I will keep a running commentary here of stuff as it arises. I AM so glad I don't have to carry all of that upstairs. I may just simplify my stuff before I move from here to what ever is next.

I am getting hyped all over about being here. I completed the first major task for Gaia, The Divine Mother and Source this morning working with my friend Shondra. Which cleared the way for this move to happen.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. "

"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams"

~ Paulo Coelho

When we choose to dive deeply into our own dark core we must face the suffering we've avoided in the name of being light workers and positive thinkers. Our Soul's fire will cleanse us as we embrace all within. This is the access to a graceful embodiment expressing the truth of us as Divine Beings connected to ALL.

Who is prepared to walk through the fire of their own Life Force?

Blessed IS,

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fully Embodying or Transcendence or Both

I am learning that to truly move into New Earth we need to give up transcending long enough for us to fully own being in this temple we call our body. Our body is the body of The Mother. When we can join Her in owning all that goes with the body we will have healed ourselves with our own Life Force.

I see the transcendence of stepping out of the body to be with the Father as an escape from fully owning why our Souls embodied.

Wouldn’t you like to complete your Soul’s plan and move onto the reality of New Earth, where separation consciousness no longer means recycling as in reincarnating? To move there with this body we are to treat it with the same honor due The Divine Mother.

Come join us this Summer in the Healing Fire of your Soul or I Am Self

More to follow.

Blessed IS,


Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Divine Feminine Opens to True Divine Masculine

The Divine Feminine Opens to True Divine Masculine

Embracing The Mother or The Divine Feminine has been part of my life ever since Mother Mary came to me during my attunement to Reiki level 2 in 1993. Over time I have come to know Her in many forms and guises. Shortly after I went through my second level Tantra course in 1999, She began to instructed me through several different forms from Egyptian mythology and I ultimately came to know Her as The Mother. That occurred after I was called to go to a sacred canyon in New Mexico to create an opening for the free flow of the Anasazi back into our timeline and reality to assist in the preparation for New Earth. While performing rituals with a new friend and soul family member we encountered Pacha Mama.
Pacha Mama is clearly with me since my return to Costa Rica on April 6th. She has been quite insistent that I pursue clearing all that has kept me connected to Jeremiah so I can fully embody my I Am Self as Jeremias. The energetics of this transition is both a death and a birth, consciously and emotionally. She led me to listen to something I had on my IPOD from Andrew Harvey which triggered this download of information I’ve known for some time but had not understood how the work of the last several years of Sacred Body Integration actually applied to what was to come here in Costa Rica.
The first thing I learned from The Mother was to love her passionately and without reservation, which took me through a long period where I did not trust the masculine side of me or of the rest of humanity given all the dishonoring that has been visited on humanity as sex was demonized by the fundamentalist and women were being treated as of lesser value than men. The Mother further guided me to become One who practiced hands on sexual healing, mostly with women, gay men and transsexuals. Of course She was pushing me to heal myself just ahead of the next client who showed up to be on my healing table. Several of dear sisters in this work helped me see that many of us men in the work were not balanced in the masculine. It took lots of work with the Divine Mother as I participated in Her re-entry into our planetary human consciousness. Of course She never left. We as a society had left Her as we became enamored of the Father and transcendence, which led us to further dishonor our physical bodies and our very sexual life force. She completed that process over the winter solstice of 21 Dec 2006. In January 2007 She began calling in the true Divine Masculine, even as I began leading workshops to guide individuals in how to work with their I Am Self to call in their own Divine Feminine, their own Divine Masculine and then to experience these individually as well as to experience what it was like to actually merge them for their own healing.
When I finally understood that the true Divine Masculine supports all life and all life forms in the summer of 2007 was when I came to understand that every last one of us is Her embodied as us. We, human, animal, flea, dolphin, etc are the embodiment of The Mother and that all things are to be honored as Her. Its taken most of the last two years to come to understand the depth and breadth of this as I came to meet and merge with my Twin Ray over the year of 2008. With 2009 we have each gone on separate paths as guided by the Mother or the Divine Feminine, if you will. In moving through my own inner darkness to know the truth and perfection of 2008, I came to live in this my new home of Costa Rica.
Living here I feel a deep and abiding sense of being home like I don’t ever recall feeling. The third thing I’ve learned from The Mother, is how passionate She is about every single human being coming to understand it is time to return to the Divine Feminine. When I Am one with this energy as I have been for the last few months I find myself from time to time surrendering to her grief over what is happening to the earth and to the rest of life. I am seeing that many retreat from this into transcendence which is the gift of connecting with the Father, the Divine Masculine. There are many spiritual disciplines that take one up and out among His energy, where it is all nice and peaceful and you don’t have to embrace the very reality of what it means to have a body and you can avoid feeling the pain of what is occurring around the world. When one truly embraces the Oneness of being in one’s physicality and one’s own dark core as part of All and of The Mother, you can’t help but feel Her pain. I guess that is why so many run to transcendence or to some other thing of attachment and addiction so they don’t have to deal with their own.
I Am absolutely clear that until we each embrace all within us our path to US will be torturous. This lesson of The Mother’s passion about embracing everything also connects with embracing absolute Bliss as well as the Grief. They are flipsides of the same coin. Of course this provides a movement for Spiritual Activism, which brings me to the fourth lesson of The Mother. That our sexual energy (also called kundalini or sekhem) is nothing more than our limited understanding of our Sacred Life Force. All of it is sacred, and it is time we embrace our bodies as the sacred vessel holding The Mother. Our Life Force is our most precious gift for healing ourselves as well as embracing and releasing all that interferes with our full communication with the Sacred Union in us of our own Divine Masculine and our own Divine Feminine experiencing Oneness with The Mother and The Father as One with All That IS.
Yes, it is my sense that we must embrace the Divine Feminine to experience the true Divine Masculine and clear out the untruths form our global consciousness.
Blessed IS,

Friday, April 17, 2009

Identity => Attachments = Not Evolve Gracefully

Having moved to Costa Rica my new friends are calling me Jeremias. Now I am being guided to let go of Jeremiah who represents the still held attachments of needing another and of being small.

I Am embracing Jeremias, who ever that IS, as I let go of Jeremiah. I sense that Jeremias represents the truth of the Soul I Am, even as I embody even more of me/ME, the Ray that is my OverSoul.

Beside that which I Am being called to, I have to ask, what was the last year and why does Jeremiah let us get distracted there.

Ah yes, Jeremias must experience all of it, to carry what is next as a Seed for New Earth.

Peace descends.